Lager Fermentation Best Practices: Charlie Bamforth & Jens Magnus Eiken

Feb 16, 2022
Lager Fermentation Best Practices: Charlie Bamforth & Jens Magnus Eiken

Lager Profile Essentials

Charlie Bamforth: Distinguished Professor

Jens Magus Eiken: Master Brewer

Join me as I discuss lagering maturation best practices with distinguished professor Charlie Bamforth of Sierra Nevada and  Jens Magus Eiken Master Brewer.  We will explore the myths and realities of lager fermentation as well as flavor stability

What You Will Learn about Lager fermentation:

  • Lager fermentation timeframe: risk vs reward.
  • Flavor stability: DMS, Diacetyl
  • Decoction mashing myths
  • Is bottom-fermenting required for a lager profile?

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Commercial Calibration (online tasting)

  • Spaten Lager or Aying Bavarian Pilsner
  • Asahi Super Dry
  • Anchor Steam
  • Pilsner Urquell

Question and Answer: Charlie and Jens will answer your questions in the second half of the event.

Comments from previous events:

Henry "Thank you for the great presentation!! Excellent content!!!"

Lou: "great presentation Doug. Both educational and entertaining. I've learned a lot on a style I love!"

Erin: "I can't thank you enough, - cheers to you!"


Master brewer and MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Former Master Brewer in managerial roles at Carlsberg (DK and international), the Jacobsen Brewhouse (DK), Molson Coors Brewing Company (UK), Royal Unibrew (DK), Novozymes (DK/CH) & Carlsberg Research Laboratory (DK).

Jens joined DuPont – now IFF Health & Biosciences - in 2018 and in his current role, as Global Product Manager for Brewing & Distilling, he focuses on innovation and sustainability solutions - using enzymes to support our customers in the brewing and distilling industry to improve the sustainability and efficiency of their processes.

Jens has received medals for his beer innovations. Jens is also an author, co-author, and contributor to books and articles about beer, including – for example - the “Oxford Companion to Beer” and “The Naked Beer – The book about Pilsner.  In addition, he developed a learning App for iPhones called “Brewers Hops. He was Technical editor of the Scandinavian Brewers’ Review for 7 years. Judge at the World Beer Cup (next in 2022). Member of the Danish Academy of Gastronomy.

Charlie Bamforth: 

Dr. Charlie Bamforth has been part of the brewing industry since 1978. Formerly with the Brewing Research Foundation and Bass in the UK, he was the Anheuser-Busch Endowed Professor of Malting and Brewing Sciences at UC Davis for 20 years from 1999. He is now Distinguished Professor Emeritus at UC Davis and Honorary Professor with the University of Nottingham in England. He is also Senior Quality Adviser for Sierra Nevada Brewing Company. He is the author of numerous articles, papers, and books on beer (and soccer), has featured extensively in the media and has received many awards for his contributions to the industry.


Charlie's Latest Book:

In Praise of Beer is a helpful guide for beer lovers looking to learn more about what they should look for with each sip of beer. In his latest book, Charles Bamforth brings new light to the topic of beer in ways perfect for any beer fan, lover, or connoisseur. In Praise of Beer is a helpful guide for consumers who want to better understand about the beer they drink. This book answers popular questions from consumers, including what consumers should be expecting from their beer; what styles are available; what they should be thinking about when purchasing beer, either in a bar or a beer shop; how to look after beer; how to present beer; which beer for which occasion, including dining; and if they can drink beer (in moderation) with a clear conscience. In Praise of Beer is written in an authoritative but easy-to-read style and is full of anecdotes, inside knowledge, and valuable information.

Jens Latest Book: The Naked Beer

The book "The naked beer" is written by the renowned, Danish beer writer Christian Andersen. With the book, he wants to put the pilsner on the agenda of both beer enthusiasts and ordinary beer drinkers. The book must re-establish respect for the good lager beer.

Although the story of the pilsner is perhaps the most important story in the beer's 7000-year long history, the pilsner, unfortunately, lives a somewhat lingering life with the modern beer drinker.

"The naked beer" describes the lager as a refined drink.

The book offers the reader knowledge about the pilsner and makes him/her want to explore its many sensory expressions.

Aromas and tastes are carefully described, and the book contains the most in-depth sensory description of the pilsner to date.

The book describes the many different types and subtypes of lagers, but will also launch new, alternative subcategories, such as the bitter lagers, the sweet lagers, and the sour lagers.

A new taste scheme developed especially for the lager will also be one of the book's novelties.

For the beer brewers, 10 recipes for well-known, legendary lagers are presented, so that the beer brewers' guilds can try to make their own version of the beer.

The author recommends 10 Danish pilsners at the end of the book.

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