Jason Perkins - Allagash New Beer Development Program

Sep 30, 2021
Jason Perkins - Allagash New Beer Development Program


Allagash's Pilot Beer Development 

Getting Everyone Involved


Join me as  I discuss with the 2021 Brewery of the Year, Allagash's BrewmasterJason Perkins about their  Highly successful Pilot Beer Development Process.  We'll explore how they create such innovative products by involving their entire brewery staff. 

What You Will Learn about Allagash's Pilot System:

  • Methods of getting EVERYONE involved.
  • How to choose what actually gets brewed.

  • Selecting members of the Pilot Team
  • Evaluating sending new beers to full distribution.

Commercial Calibration 

  • Saison Dupont
  • Boon Gueuze (Black Label)
  • Allagash White (sorry, only distributed in 18 states)

Question and Answer: Jason will answer your questions in the second half of the event.

Comments from previous events:

Henry "Thank you for the great presentation!! Excellent content!!!"

Lou: "great presentation Doug. Both educational and entertaining. I've learned a lot on a style I love!"

Erin: "I can't thank you enough, - cheers to you!"

Jason Perkins: 

Jason is the Brewmaster and vice president of brewing operations at Allagash Brewing. He, like so many others, got his start in brewing as an avid homebrewer, following the wisdom of Charlie Papazian. That led him to his first job at Kettle House Brewing in Missoula Montana. After one year there and a 6-month stint at Gritty McDuff’s in Freeport Maine, he joined Allagash Brewing in 1999 and has been here since!

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